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Did You Know?

How life in Hopewell Township has improved with Democratic Leadership
Athletics: Section Title

Community Support

Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…​​

  • Introduced new community engagement tools, including Have Your Say Hopewell and an Instagram page

  • Moved to the design phase for the new Senior and Community Center (after 20 years of talk)

  • Successfully renovated the existing Senior Center while we work towards building a new Senior Center

  • Ensured meals were delivered to seniors while the Senior Center was closed

  • Negotiated with Capital Health to fund 50% of our Senior Services coordinator and to support our public health nurse


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Have fought the Penn East pipeline all the way to the Supreme Court, successfully delaying the project for seven years

  • Personally lobbied FERC leadership against the Penn East pipeline

  • Installed electric vehicle charging stations at the Township Building

  • Achieved Tree City USA status

  • Received a Sustainable Jersey grant for recycling styrofoam

  • Won the New Jersey Solar Challenge by installing more solar panels per capita than any community in New Jersey

  • Hopewell Township's lighting ordinance was updated with state-of-the-art approaches minimizing the growing problem of light pollution, while maximizing energy efficiency and safety through best practices in design and technology.


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Recognized one of Hopewell Township’s long-standing families (the Woolseys) for their long-term connections to the Township

  • Adopted a resolution and lit the Township Building in purple to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote

  • Formed a citizen committee to plan celebrations for the 325th anniversary of the founding of the Township

  • Sponsored an event that brought Hopewell Township’s founding documents to the Township Building for a public ceremony in honor of the 320th anniversary of the Township


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Adopted a budget this year with an increase of less than 2%

  • Lowered the overall amount of Township debt

  • Have successfully managed the Township budget, holding to a five year average increase of 2.29%

  • Kept 2020 spending below the 2015 budget levels

  • Have significantly increased the amount of grant funding to reduce the burden of residential property taxes

  • Changed the budget process so capital projects could be funded earlier in the year at better rates—allowing us to do more with less

  • Worked with the Hopewell Valley School District to change the timing of payments, thereby freeing up $2 million in funds

  • Successfully negotiated a PILOT agreement for the Zaitz tract, which will bring in $112 million
    over time (compared to $18 million without a PILOT), reducing the burden on taxpayers

  • Renegotiated the Hopewell Gardens PILOT to increase revenue for the Township.

  • Successfully found a new anchor tenant to the BMS campus, bringing a world-class pharma company to the Township

  • Lobbied at the state level for municipally directed funds in response to the pandemic

  • Settled a long-standing dispute with Capital Health resulting in a six figure settlement

  • Worked with the successors of Merrill Lynch to bring in new tenants and reduce the potential property tax burden for residents

  • Built a new communications tower that is being rented to cell phone companies, bringing in revenue

  • Sold a liquor license, bringing in revenue to the Township

Health & Welfare

Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Support WomenSpace every year with a resolution and event  

  • Advertised and hired a new Public Health Department Officer shortly after the position became vacant 

  • Hired contact tracers to respond to the pandemic


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Saved millions of dollars in litigation costs by successfully negotiating an agreement with Fair Share for affordable housing

Social Justice

Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • For the first time in Township history, recognized LGBTQ rights by raising a Pride Flag to fly at the Township building

  • Recognized by resolution the deep history of and contribution of African American residents during Black History month

  • Formed a citizen committee to address systemic racism

  • Created a position for a civilian director of the Police Department

Open Space, Parks, & Recreation

Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Successfully preserved the Mount Rose preserve and stopped hundreds of homes from being built

  • Worked with the County to preserve and protect the Hopewell Valley Golf Course

  • Created a Township-wide network of safe bike lanes (in conjunction with the County)

  • Hired a new Recreation Director who implemented drive-in movies for the summer

  • Built the new Safe Routes to School at Timberlane and the high school

  • Preserved Woosamonsa Ridge and the Regan property

  • Ensured that Hopewell Township leads the County in open space and preserved farmland

  • Obtained a $1 million grant from the federal government to complete the Lawrence Hopewell Trail

  • Supported the opening of many new segments of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail

Public works

Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Brought back bulk waste collection

  • Reduced the annual cost of winter road maintenance by adopting a “salt fund”

  • Introduced tandem trucks to improve Public Works efficiency

  • Introduced fuel-saving hybrid vehicles for the Police Department

  • Supported the accreditation process for the Hopewell Township Police Department

  • Ensured Public Works continued brush and leaf pickup during the pandemic

  • Oversaw the rebuilding of the Public Works fleet after the disastrous 2015 fire

  • Worked with Mercer County to improve recycling in the Township

  • Introduced higher seasonal staffing for Public Works and Recreation to meet residents’ needs during the spring and summer

  • Insisted Trenton Water Works address Hopewell Township resident needs

  • Improved emergency communications capabilities for the Police Department


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…

  • Adopted an energy aggregation plan to lower residential electric bills

  • Worked with PSE&G on a long-term program to improve grid reliability in Hopewell Township


Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…​

  • Filled a sudden vacancy in the health department with a seasoned professional who oversaw our health needs during the height of the pandemic 

  • Simplified the process for restaurants to get permits for outdoor dining during COVID-19

  • Kept government fully functioning without interruption during the pandemic

  • Worked with our senior director to develop at-home activities for seniors during the pandemic

  • Unlike neighboring communities, made COVID-19 infection numbers public at the very beginning of the pandemic and continuing daily throughout the height of the pandemic 

  • Kept the local trails open during the COVID-19 quarantine

Community Support
Health & Welfare
Social Justice
Open Space
Public Works

Paid for by the Hopewell Township Democratic Committee.

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