Community Support
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Introduced new community engagement tools, including Have Your Say Hopewell and an Instagram page
Moved to the design phase for the new Senior and Community Center (after 20 years of talk)
Successfully renovated the existing Senior Center while we work towards building a new Senior Center
Ensured meals were delivered to seniors while the Senior Center was closed
Negotiated with Capital Health to fund 50% of our Senior Services coordinator and to support our public health nurse
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Have fought the Penn East pipeline all the way to the Supreme Court, successfully delaying the project for seven years
Personally lobbied FERC leadership against the Penn East pipeline
Installed electric vehicle charging stations at the Township Building
Achieved Tree City USA status
Received a Sustainable Jersey grant for recycling styrofoam
Won the New Jersey Solar Challenge by installing more solar panels per capita than any community in New Jersey
Hopewell Township's lighting ordinance was updated with state-of-the-art approaches minimizing the growing problem of light pollution, while maximizing energy efficiency and safety through best practices in design and technology.
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Recognized one of Hopewell Township’s long-standing families (the Woolseys) for their long-term connections to the Township
Adopted a resolution and lit the Township Building in purple to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote
Formed a citizen committee to plan celebrations for the 325th anniversary of the founding of the Township
Sponsored an event that brought Hopewell Township’s founding documents to the Township Building for a public ceremony in honor of the 320th anniversary of the Township
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Adopted a budget this year with an increase of less than 2%
Lowered the overall amount of Township debt
Have successfully managed the Township budget, holding to a five year average increase of 2.29%
Kept 2020 spending below the 2015 budget levels
Have significantly increased the amount of grant funding to reduce the burden of residential property taxes
Changed the budget process so capital projects could be funded earlier in the year at better rates—allowing us to do more with less
Worked with the Hopewell Valley School District to change the timing of payments, thereby freeing up $2 million in funds
Successfully negotiated a PILOT agreement for the Zaitz tract, which will bring in $112 million
over time (compared to $18 million without a PILOT), reducing the burden on taxpayers -
Renegotiated the Hopewell Gardens PILOT to increase revenue for the Township.
Successfully found a new anchor tenant to the BMS campus, bringing a world-class pharma company to the Township
Lobbied at the state level for municipally directed funds in response to the pandemic
Settled a long-standing dispute with Capital Health resulting in a six figure settlement
Worked with the successors of Merrill Lynch to bring in new tenants and reduce the potential property tax burden for residents
Built a new communications tower that is being rented to cell phone companies, bringing in revenue
Sold a liquor license, bringing in revenue to the Township
Health & Welfare
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Support WomenSpace every year with a resolution and event
Advertised and hired a new Public Health Department Officer shortly after the position became vacant
Hired contact tracers to respond to the pandemic
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Saved millions of dollars in litigation costs by successfully negotiating an agreement with Fair Share for affordable housing
Social Justice
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
For the first time in Township history, recognized LGBTQ rights by raising a Pride Flag to fly at the Township building
Recognized by resolution the deep history of and contribution of African American residents during Black History month
Formed a citizen committee to address systemic racism
Created a position for a civilian director of the Police Department
Open Space, Parks, & Recreation
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Successfully preserved the Mount Rose preserve and stopped hundreds of homes from being built
Worked with the County to preserve and protect the Hopewell Valley Golf Course
Created a Township-wide network of safe bike lanes (in conjunction with the County)
Hired a new Recreation Director who implemented drive-in movies for the summer
Built the new Safe Routes to School at Timberlane and the high school
Preserved Woosamonsa Ridge and the Regan property
Ensured that Hopewell Township leads the County in open space and preserved farmland
Obtained a $1 million grant from the federal government to complete the Lawrence Hopewell Trail
Supported the opening of many new segments of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail
Public works
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Brought back bulk waste collection
Reduced the annual cost of winter road maintenance by adopting a “salt fund”
Introduced tandem trucks to improve Public Works efficiency
Introduced fuel-saving hybrid vehicles for the Police Department
Supported the accreditation process for the Hopewell Township Police Department
Ensured Public Works continued brush and leaf pickup during the pandemic
Oversaw the rebuilding of the Public Works fleet after the disastrous 2015 fire
Worked with Mercer County to improve recycling in the Township
Introduced higher seasonal staffing for Public Works and Recreation to meet residents’ needs during the spring and summer
Insisted Trenton Water Works address Hopewell Township resident needs
Improved emergency communications capabilities for the Police Department
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Adopted an energy aggregation plan to lower residential electric bills
Worked with PSE&G on a long-term program to improve grid reliability in Hopewell Township
Did you know Hopewell Township Democrats…
Filled a sudden vacancy in the health department with a seasoned professional who oversaw our health needs during the height of the pandemic
Simplified the process for restaurants to get permits for outdoor dining during COVID-19
Kept government fully functioning without interruption during the pandemic
Worked with our senior director to develop at-home activities for seniors during the pandemic
Unlike neighboring communities, made COVID-19 infection numbers public at the very beginning of the pandemic and continuing daily throughout the height of the pandemic
Kept the local trails open during the COVID-19 quarantine